We had a very tough homework assignment today. We are to prepare a Canadian specialty for the class to try. Easier said than done… So what is Canadian cuisine anyway? We thought Nanaimo bars would be good because we only have a hot plate to cook on, but even the Carrefour, a large super market, didn't carry graham wafer crumbs or powdered sugar. They did however carry Bird's custard powder in the import section for the Brits. We suddenly realized that we could make rice Krispy squares, a Canadian delicacy, without too much trouble. We found a substitute for Kraft Jet Puffed marshmallows but, alas there were no Rice Krispy’s or any cereal even slightly similar. I wanted to just select items from all over the world, to reflect our cultural mosaic, but we finally settled on smoked salmon and cream cheese. We had a choice of smoked salmon from Norway, Ireland and Scotland. We settled upon the Scottish because I love their accents (the men not the fish).
Last year in France Gord and I tried to confirm a malicious English rumor regarding French cuisine. You should have seen the look of horror on our friend Fredric's face when I asked, " Est-ce que les Francais mangent les petite oiseaux qui chant?" Apparently not.
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