Toulouse is a city of bikes. They have velo stations everywhere and for very little you can pick up a bike, use it, and return it to any station when you are done. Since my back has loudly suggested that I not walk at all for a bit, I have become a velo enthusiast. The convenience for urban riding is amazing. You never have to worry about your bike being stolen or where to store it. You just hop on and off when and where you want. It is a very well used program here. I have been watching the station nearest us, and it empties and refills once and sometimes twice a day.
Not only can you rent bikes cheaply in Toulouse but you can buy them too. On Friday, Gord and I bought bikes and gear and will try to finish the camino pedaling rather than plodding. Does this mean I will have to rename the blog?!@?$#!!
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Ruth, there is only one Camino, Your Camino. Camino Buddies supports all you're doing and look forward to your bicycled iPhone updates. Buen Camino!