
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Playing in the Castle: Sully-sur-Loire to Ousson-sur-Loire

July 21st, 2016
When the Lord is away we certainly do play.... It turns out that our ancestors may well have come from this region. It was hard not to notice the close family resemblance to both of us in the paintings at the Chateau de Saint- Brisson-sur-Loire. 

Our ride yesterday was just dotted with Chateaus but we stopped to visit and play at Saint-Brisson.
The minor Chateaus go to great lengths to attract visitors and this one had all sorts of activities to entertain children or odd older couples. 

Our day ended at a lovely gypsy caravan in the town of Ousson-sur-Loire. 

And of course for Neil des chateaux de vapeurs.

1 comment:

  1. Vapeur, indeed. LOL. They say *everyone* in France lives near a nuclear power plant. Two dozen plants with 5 dozen reactors very evenly spaced out! Low CO2, though. :-)
