With one day to Santiago its important to consider things lost along the way.
Ruth -
1. I have lost the ability to multi-task (Gordon claims he never had it.) I have no interest in listening to music or language lessons while I am riding, walking or hanging out. The only exception is talking, but then that is kind of like breathing for me.
2. My breasts. Every morning I put on my bra but I am not sure why anymore. I am using the recently vacated space to carry my extra pairs of socks and snacks, but there is still room for a puppy if I find one.
3. My need for speed. My average speed on the bike has been dropping like a stone. Today I averaged nine kilometers an hour, with a third of the ride on the road. I am delighted to now be on the trail most of the time. It is mostly like a hilly, recovered rail bed, slow going but beautiful.
Gordon -
Every passage has its fare, and on the Camino it is payable partly in pounds of flesh. As well as Ruth's breasts (I remember them fondly) we have both lost our bellies (unlamented), and my butt (this may be a deal breaker for our marriage). The Camino presents entrepreneurial opportunities for weight loss/fitness programs. Despite burning over 4000 calories each day I am rarely hungry and I am eating less than I do at home. Perhaps it is the slow burn that comes with walking, but it seems to be a painless way to lose weight. I am sure that at some point my appetite will return with a vengeance and I will have to be chained to a stake, and thrown loaves of bread, wheels of cheese and small animals. Maybe it is time to finish this walk.
Hmmm... We lost two micro towels, a jacket and a pair of socks (nicked by an extremely desperate person!)But the 3 stone of flesh i was hoping to leave by the wayside stuck to me like glue - and i was only eating 4 meals a day......